Editorial Statutes

I General Principles

A) Economic, Institutional and Political Principles

1. Non-profit Status

The radio programming is free from commercials and sponsoring. This means in particular that no economically active parties are named – except within an informational context – and no self-produced commercials or broadcasts by commercial parties are included in the programming.

2. Political and Institutional Independence

The radio programming is in no way dependent upon state or semi-state institutions or parties regarding content. This applies to the communal, state and federal levels.

B) Journalistic and Media Policy Principles

1. Local Relevance

Radio CORAX views itself as a local radio station that focuses on information and entertainment and as a contribution to the diversity of the local and regional media landscape. ‘Local’ does not mean, however, neglecting supra-regional and international topics – these are desired to open viewpoints and broaden perspectives. Ideally, both levels are interconnected.

2. Counter-Public Sphere

Of special significance is the presence of persons, groups, topics and contexts that are seldom or not at all represented in the established media.

3. Debate

Radio CORAX’s programming and publications cover a wide range of topics with the intention of presenting and initiating discussions and debates. Differences of opinion shall be carried out publicly and transparently in the programming as well as in internal discussions.

4. Exclusion Clause

Discriminating against persons or groups – such as sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism or antisemitism – is prohibited from the radio’s programming and structures. This applies also to any form of chauvinism, nationalism, religious fundamentalism and the glorification of violence. The exclusion clause applies to all contributions, publications and persons who promote or represent such ideas or attitudes.

5. Open Access

Radio CORAX views itself as a participatory project as laid forth in the Charter of the Federal Association of Community Radios (Charta des Bundesverbandes Freier Radios). As a matter of principle, everyone has the opportunity to participate in the programming irrespective of age, gender, nationality, etc. The station is especially committed to granting voice to activists and members of marginalized groups by making radio available to them as a means of communication rather than simply being the object of its reporting. The structures of the radio station are intended to enable such communication.

6. Promoting Emancipatory Processes

Processes of grassroots self-empowerment and self-governance shall be promoted. In this sense the radio station views itself as closely affiliated with actors and local initiatives that promote such processes. The station provides them a public forum to engage in dialogue and exchange information.

7. Exchange between Producers and Listeners

The programming is not addressed exclusively to any certain target group. An exchange between listeners and broadcasters is to be promoted.

8. Supra-regional Networking and Cooperation

The radio station endeavours to engage in programme exchanges and cooperation with comparable stations and media initiatives, both domestically and internationally.

C) Principles of the Structure

1. Transparency and Self-governance

A self-governed and non-profit Association serves as the carrier of the frequency; the decision-making powers are clearly defined in the Association’s framework. The Annual General Meeting decides upon regulations concerning the structures. All processes and procedures are accessible and transparent for all members. Relevant proceedings in the Association are communicated publicly. The radio station is structured according to grassroots democratic principles.

2. Editorial Self-determination

The programming is produced by independent editors. Hierarchical structures are to be avoided in the editorial domain whereby clearly delineated responsibilities can be established collectively.

3. Daily Editorial Staff

Separate regulations can be made in the area of the daily programming.

II Radio Plenum

A) Composition, Resolutions

1. The Radio Plenum is composed of

– all members of the Association who participate in the operation of the radio station who have been regularly active with the radio station for at least three months, have signed the statutes, and

– other persons or groups who have been granted voting rights by the Radio Plenum on account of their participation in the programming (e.g. members of the daily editorial staff, organizers of group radio, listener initiatives, student representatives). The Plenum’s leadership confirms the voting rights of those present.

2. The meetings are public.

3. All resolutions are passed by a simple majority of those present with voting rights. Exceptions to this are resolutions on the revocation of the editorial statutes, the revocation of programming spots, the revocation of voting rights, and expulsion from the Radio Plenum. These are passed by a 2/3 majority.

4. A resolution may be vetoed by 1/3 of those present with voting rights. The matter must then be presented again in the next Plenum and can then only be passed by a 2/3 majority.

5. All of the Radio Plenum’s decisions that are relevant to the Association must be approved by the Board of Directors. In the event of a disagreement between the Board and the Plenum, a decision shall be made by the Annual General Meeting.

B) Responsibilities and Functions

The Radio Plenum

1. decides on the programming schedule,

2. can cancel and re-allocate existing programme slots for gross violations against the Charter or Statutes as well as revoke a person’s editorial status,

3. mediates disagreements concerning programming that cannot be resolved by the parties involved,

4. revises or confirms an exclusion of contributions for publication according to the statutory rules,

5. creates and tasks working groups for programming concerns,

6. sets up an “open broadcast slot” for non-members as needed and passes the appropriate resolutions as needed,

7. can submit proposals by proxy at the Annual General Meeting for non-members who are active in or have an interest in the radio station.

C) Meeting Schedule, Announcements

1. The Radio Plenum meets according to need.

2. The time and date of the Radio Plena must be announced at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting by a notice posted at a specifically determined location and via the programme mailing list.

3. All working groups and editorial staff can call a Radio Plenum as needed and in consultation with the programme coordination.

4. The Radio Plenum shall select a person to keep the minutes. The minutes are to be published one week after the meeting and sent via the programme mailing list.

III Editorial Staff and Collaboration

A) Status of Editorial Staff and Access to Programme Slots

1. Any person or groups of persons who regularly produce their own programme or work on comprehensive topics or programming and has been recognized by an editorial conference as such is a member of the editorial team.

2. The prerequisite for a person or group to be recognized as a member of the editorial team is membership in the sponsoring Association as well as participation in at least one radio workshop recognized by the Association.

3. Editorial teams or persons who have been assigned a regular programme slot by the editorial conference commit themselves to fulfill this faithfully and to delegate a representative to the editorial conference.

B) Programming Responsibilities

1. Every editorial team and every person who produces individual contributions or programmes decides on and plans the contributions and programmes as well as the editorial concepts and contents independently and under their own responsibility.

2. Every editorial team and every person who produces a broadcast is responsible for organizing the necessary technology, direction, music and other components of the production.

3. Every editorial team shall name at least one person responsible as a contact for all matters concerning the broadcast.

4. An immediate consultation of the editorial team with the Board of Directors shall take place if any concerns arise regarding dangers to the licensing of Radio CORAX.

IV Editorial Conference

A) Responsibilities

1. Assigns the status of an editorial team and confirms the recognition of new editorial staff members.

2. Assigns regular programme slots to editorial teams if these are not scheduled in the programme.

3. Assigns open programme slots to interested editorial teams, persons of groups for one-time or regular use.

4. Coordinates the overall cooperation and coordination among editorial teams.

5. Discusses current broadcasts and gives feedback.

B) Meeting Schedule, Announcements

1. Each editorial team is encouraged to participate in the editorial conference.

2. The editorial conference meets regularly at least once a month on a set day at a set time.

3. Temporary programme slots assigned by the editorial conference must be confirmed at the next Radio Plenum.

4. Resolutions of the editorial conference are passed by a simple majority.

5. The submission of a vote to assign a programme slot is also possible online. If a vote is submitted online, a justification for the decision is to be included.

V. Programme Coordinator

1. A programme coordinator is confirmed by the Annual General Meeting.

2. The programme coordinator carries out the tasks set at the editorial conference between their meetings. In case of emergencies, (s)he can make short-notice programming changes and temporarily allocate free programming slots without waiting for the next Radio Plenum. If there exists a reasonable belief that a broadcast has violated the principles of the editorial work of these statutes (I Paragraph B/4 and VII Paragraph E), the programme coordinator can suspend the broadcast in consultation with at least one member of the Board of Directors. The concerned broadcasters must be informed of this decision immediately and can submit proposals for appropriate replacement broadcasts. The Radio Plenum makes the final decision on the further proceedings concerning the broadcast.

VI Working Groups

1. Working groups are groups of people assigned by the Radio Plenum according to need who regularly or temporarily deal with specific areas of operation. The relevant tasks can also be fulfilled by individuals.

2. The members of the working groups
– develop proposals for their areas of operation that are presented to the Plenum for discussion and adaption by resolution,
– can, upon resolution of the Plenum, be supported or replaced by full-time employees if necessary,
– organize their work independently
VII Principles for Editorial Work, Journalistic Freedom, Programming Responsibility and Production Rights.

A) Self-determination

1. No editor may be caused to call information correct or to publish such that contradicts her/his own convictions or her/his own state of knowledge or to suppress the publication of facts or opinions in programmes, contributions or moderations.

2. No producer of a programme may be forced to work on a topic or to refrain from such work. No disadvantages may be incurred from a refusal.

B) Journalistic Principles

1. The basic journalistic principles and publishing rules of the Press Code of the German Press Council are to be observed with the guidelines for journalistic work in all broadcasts and contributions.

2. As a matter of principle, broadcasts and contributions shall be carefully researched in good faith and supported by facts.

3. Commentaries are to be made known as such by indicating their authorship.

C) Music Programming

The selection of music in programmes is subject to the regulations of these statutes.

D) Programming Responsibility

1. The responsibility for the programming of radio broadcasts is carried by the editors themselves.

2. Radio CORAX shall be named as the broadcaster at least at the beginning and the end of the daily programme.

E) Exclusion of Publications

1. The exclusion of publications can only occur if a contribution or broadcast violates the criteria laid forth in these statutes, if its publication would present an unacceptable risk to the licensing of CORAX e.V., or if the producer of a contribution is not prepared to revise gross qualitative flaws that prevent the simple comprehension of the contribution. The final decision on the exclusion is made by the Radio Plenum.

2. If a reasonable belief exists that the content of a live broadcast violates the principles of the editorial work of these statutes (I Paragraph B/4 and VII Paragraph E), a broadcast engineer and a present member of the Association may intervene directly – including the interruption of the broadcast. These actions are then to be reported immediately to the programming coordinator or at least one member of the Board of Directors. A follow-up communication and accounting are also compulsory within the framework of a Radio Plenum.

F) Production Rights

1. All rights to contributions and broadcasts lie with the producer(s).

2. If contributions or broadcasts are sold, the producer(s) are obligated to reimburse Radio CORAX 25% of the earnings as compensation for the incurred production costs.

3. Radio CORAX has the right to repeat contributions and broadcasts and to include them in programming exchanges with other non-profit programme providers until they are withdrawn.

4. If Radio CORAX provides broadcasts or contributions for a programming exchange, the rights remain preserved. Altering or further sharing contributions by other broadcasters can only occur after consultation with the producer(s).

Effective 8 November 2017