IndieRE #121 | Radio MARŠ

The latest episode of IndieRE brings some needed coolness to battle the heat waves with fresh music from Maribor and Eastern Slovenia amidst sub-alpine forests and fields. Radio MARŠ presents a wide range of genres, from easy going electronica to melodic black metal, screamo and noise, all the way to calm East-Slovenian jazz. Featuring “FLYŠTER”, the hottest new release in town by Maribor beatmaker and rapper YNGFirefly; presenting Muzikačaka, esoteric Haloze ambiental one-woman-looper-band; Maribor screamo pioneers zbrucz with their self-released debut “Riparia Riparia” and many others.


01. wawawladislaw – gay porn substi
02. YNGFirefly – Dva čika
03. YNGFirefly – Toskana
04. zbrucz – Dežujem
05. zbrucz – Me vidiš kot sem?
06. Srd – vragvmesiton
07. Wasserdicht – Žrtev
08. Wasserdicht – Preko trupel
09. Kikiriki – Sorrow Syrup (excerpt)
10. Muzikačaka – Slikameglameglaslika
11. Muzikačaka – Zapuščene hiše
12. Dejan Berden – Fotoni III _ Part 04


wawawladislaw: soundcloud | instagram
YNGFirefly: bandcamp | soundcloud | facebook | instagram
zbrucz: bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
Srd: web | bandcamp | youtube | facebook | instagram
Wasserdicht: bandcamp | facebook
Kikiriki: bandcamp | facebook | instagram
Muzikačaka: web | bandcamp | soundcloud | youtube | facebook | instagram
Dejan Berden: web | bandcamp | instagram

Produced by Radio Marš, Maribor, Slovenia.
Prepared, announced by Jan Podbrežnik, Jošt Frankovič, Matjaž Gert and Zinedin Osmanović.
Design by Jure Anžiček.