8M24 – „We felt left alone“ – Interview with Slutwalk Jerusalem

After the massacre by the radical Islamist Hamas in Israel on 7 October 2023, only a few feminists, especially globally, showed solidarity with those affected by the severe sexualised violence that was perpetrated in the course of the massacre and afterwards. The queer feminist group Slutwalk Jerusalem published an open letter to our sisters in November in which they draw attention to the sexualised violence and feminicides that were committed in the wake of 7 October and beyond. They write: "Feminists all over the world must make a clear statement and declare - rape is not a legitimate act of military resistance. Rape and sexual violence are against any international law and are a war crime" Slutwalk Jeruslam is part of a worldwide movement that was launched in Canada around 2010. The Slutwalks are directed against a perpetrator-victim reversal of sexualised violence. The first Slutwalk in Israel took place in Jerusalem in 2011. Other Israeli cities joined in the following years. This year's Slutwalk in Jerusalem will take place on 14 June. This is not a matter of course because it is the first Slutwalk after 7 October. We spoke with Maya from the Slutwalk Jerusalem alliance - and first asked her how she personally and the alliance as a group experienced that day.

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