Das Meer ist die Organistin
An der Uferpromenade von Zadar in Kroatien gibt es ein einmaliges Konzert auf einer Orgel zu hören - ein Besuch. ...mehr
IndieRE 132 | Radio Pulsar
The 132nd – and unfortunately last for now – IndieRE episode is featured by Radio Pulsar from Poitiers as part of the Radio Campus France network. They present 5 ...mehr
2nd IndieRE Week
Zum Abschluss des Projekts "IndieRE" (Independent Radio Exchange), findet vom 07. bis zum 13. Oktober die zweite IndieRE Week statt. Mit Playlists voller lokaler Musik und zwei inhaltlichen Sendungen, ...mehr
IndieRE #131 | NEAR FM
The 131st Irish edition of IndieRE, hosted by Patrick Domanico from Near FM, highlights a fresh wave of musical talent. Featuring a rich variety of sounds from indie-pop to ...mehr
IndieRE #130 | Radio T Chemnitz
This IndieRE show by Radio T from Chemnitz covers a lot of styles: Death Country with Reverend Elvis & The Undead Syncopaters; Hip Hop by Projekt P, Skrab & ...mehr
IndieRE #129 | Radio Student Zagreb
Another journey through the Croatian alternative scene is ahead of you, directed by Radio Student from Zagreb! The show brings an interview with singer-songwriter Sara Renar who presents her ...mehr
Ein Musikgeschmack und etwas Alltag: Das Rasieren
Alltagstätigkeiten und Alltagsunterhaltung finden zusammen. Zwei Redakteure der Studierendenredaktion unterhalten sich über Musik – konkret den Musikgewohnheiten einzelner aus der Redaktion, und das beim Rasieren, also einer alltäglichen Handlung, ...mehr
IndieRE #128 | EMA-RTV
In the last Spanish edition of IndieRE, we opted for an undergound Andalusian music special. The Spanish southern underground is enjoying a new trend of mixing flamenco with other ...mehr
IndieRE #127 | Radio Helsinki
This IndieRE show brings you the freshest sounds straight from Austria, hosted by Lilly Vanilli from Radio Helsinki, Graz. Get ready for a vibrant mix of genres ranging from ...mehr
IndieRE #126 | Civil Rádió
In the latest episode of the IndieRE Radio Show, Civil Radio dives into Hungarian niche tunes with folk influences, synthwave and reggae elements. They present an exciting musical project ...mehr
IndieRE 125 | Radio Študent
The 125th IndieRE broadcast is brought to you by Radio Študent from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Today we'll listen to texturally adventerous jazz of Glaze by Rok Zalokar & Žiga Smrdel, ...mehr
IndieRE #123 | NEAR FM
In the new edition of IndieRE, hosted by Near FM, the spotlight shines on a diverse array of Irish musical talent, showcasing everything from indie-folk and post-punk to electro-pop. ...mehr
IndieRE #122 | Radio CORAX
Summer is in full effect, so Radio CORAX has prepared some fresh music to cool down, starting with the breezy Jazz of Mieke Miami. Making music about serious topics, but ...mehr
Ostdeutscher Soli Punksampler
In den anstehenden Wahlen in Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg ist die Gefahr groß, das die AfD Rekordergebnisse erreichen wird. Antifaschistische, queere, feministische und migrantisch Projekte sind jetzt schon in ...mehr
IndieRE #121 | Radio MARŠ
The latest episode of IndieRE brings some needed coolness to battle the heat waves with fresh music from Maribor and Eastern Slovenia amidst sub-alpine forests and fields. Radio MARŠ ...mehr